Tweeting as Zero: Rational

The character that I have chosen to tweet as for the “Tweeting as a Character” project/essay is Zero from the novel The Passion of New Eve by Angela Carter.  I will be tweeting from the ruthless poet’s perspective of his day to day life living with his polygamist family of 8 wives.  This will include things that happened in The Passion of New Eve but in tweeting form.  It will show how he acts and who he really is to provide insight into his twisted life.  The wording that I will use may resemble Zero in some of the ways that he talks and acts in the book but not overly so.  The idea of the tweet and the information in it is more important than matching the exact speech Zero would typically be using.  Zero loves to yell and make random noises so they will be a part of his speech in the tweets.  I will be sure to make his personality correlate with the tweets speech in order to capture his unique personality.  I will definitely make known Zero’s hatred of the human race and his hatred of Tristessa.  I will however portray his love for his farm life, especially his disgusting pigs that he lets roam around the house even more freely than the wives.  Eventually, my wives will go against my will and leave me.  Zero’s relationships with his wives will be an integral part of the tweets and will have action, some of it being a little dirty.  I don’t want to be flagged for porn though so it won’t be too crazy!  This all combined will show the feelings he has inside and will show his crazy perspective of life in the novel.